11:30AM - 12:30PM

The Power of prophetic ministry and hearing the voice of God

Speaker: Wayne Drain
Description: God still speaks to His people and the prophetic office is an anointed gift from God. Join us in this workshop where Wayne will unpack hearing the voice of God, the power of prophecy and how it can edify and enrich the body of Christ.


Speaker: Tammy Riddering
In the 1700's, the Moravians began one hour prayer watches throughout the day and night that lasted for over 100 years and birthed a great missions movement. What would the local church culture be like today if ordinary men and women tarried for an hour with an extraordinary God once again? This workshop will give historical precedence, personal testimony, and practical how-to's for establishing a Moravian-style prayer initiative in the local church.

songwriting culture and application

Speaker: Radiant City Music
Join the Radiant City Music team in this workshop as they discuss the inspiration and techniques behind songwriting in and for the local church.

Israel and the restoration of all things

Speaker: Scott Volk
Everywhere in Scripture where you see hospitality shown, the result is life. As Israel is facing it's greatest crisis since the "rebirth" of the nation in 1948, the Lord is looking for a people who will show them Kingdom hospitality and selflessly embrace His heart for His people.

Mobilizing Gen z: How to activate the next generation in your church

Speaker: Toby Cavanaugh
What could God do through your church if you saw the next generation activated in service and ministry? Drawing from cutting edge research and extensive practical experience, this workshop will outline the principles necessary to not only reach the next generation, but mobilize them for service. Also, learn the nuances from this generation directly through Q&A with a panel of Gen Z ministers that will be included during this time.

The absalom m.o. – unmasking the spirit of rebellion in your church

Speaker: Sonny Misar
If you are a minister like David, "a man after God’s heart,” you can be sure that there is also an Absalom influence seeking to undermine the authentic work of God. Everywhere that God has established Kingdom authority, there will be an attacking, rebellious spirit of defiance and self-will. This workshop will help you identify the “Absalom M.O.” and overcome it with Godly church governance and wise apostolic guidance.

Family oriented – returning to God’s foundations for abiding generational impact

Speaker: Zach Dillon
Family was God’s original plan for establishing His Kingdom on the Earth. We need a re-orientation of our personal lives and ministry strategies around this core value in the heart of God.

Tuesday, MAY 7
11:30AM - 12:30PM

The heart of worship

Speaker: Rachel Culver
It’s time to remember again why we do this thing called worship. Somehow along the way we have complicated the simple. God is looking for those who will worship in spirit and in truth. It’s time to come back to the heart.

prayer that fuels missions

Speaker: Brian Kim
Why is having a strong prayer culture in the Church vital to fulfiling the Great Commisson? Matthew 28:19 says, "Go and make disciples of all nations...". In this workshop, Brian will unpack what prayer that fuels missions looks like in the modern day Church.

transform your vision into reality from dream to execution

Speaker: Mike Popenhagen
Have a vision for your church or ministry that seems impossible? Feeling overwhelmed by lack of resources or unsure where to start? You're not alone! This workshop will equip you with the tools and strategies to move your vision from concept to completion. Don't let your vision remain a dream!

Present day apostles and their value to local churches

Speaker: Frank Harvey
Join us as Frank speaks on the relevance of the 5-fold ministry today and the practical utilization of them in local church applications. He will touch on issues such as: the importance of apostolic covering, outside evaluation processes, advocating for pastor financial packages, and helping navigate pastor/leader disagreements that can’t be resolved without third party participation.

Israel and the restoration of all things

Speaker: Scott Volk
Everywhere in Scripture where you see hospitality shown, the result is life. As Israel is facing it's greatest crisis since the "rebirth" of the nation in 1948, the Lord is looking for a people who will show them Kingdom hospitality and selflessly embrace His heart for His people.

sabbath familiES

Speaker: David Perkins
It’s easy to dismiss the idea of sabbath rest and adopt the mantra, "sleep when you’re dead!" In this workshop, David will share how he overcame this mindset and now treasures, anticipates, and diligently protects his weekly sabbath rest with his family. He will unpack practical methods for prioritizing and implementing a weekly family sabbath that embraces God's way of living.

Times of reformation

Speaker: Lee Cummings
Don't miss this workshop from Lee Cummings, the Senior Leader of Radiant Church and Radiant Network.


You're invited to join us at one of our Roundtable Conversations. (Surprise, no roundtables are involved in these chats!) These discussions are an intentional time for you and your ministry team to connect with Radiant Church staff members who will share a bit about their roles and give you insight into the day-to-day workings of their departments. There will also be a time of question and answer, so feel free to grab your lunch and come prepared to engage.

1:00PM - 2:00PM

Volunteer assimilation & Growth

Location Pastors and Directors


Tammy Riddering, Caleb Culver, and Brenna Wheatley

kids ministry

Buckie Thornock and Nathan Schaffner

Missions & Outreach

Joel Doorlag


David Evans

human resources & finances

Heather Martin and Rick Burmeister

Tuesday, MAY 7
1:00PM - 2:00PM


Caleb Culver and Rachel Culver


Sean Downs, Olivia Riddering Hayden, Jeremy Shane, Taylor Winn, and Landon Talmage


Preston Coles, Spencer Hackert, and Daniel Stenger

Campus administration & Pastoral support

Krista Kennedy, Lizzie Coles, Sarah Prechtl, and Jen Evans


Kaitlyn Yates

Pastoral Care & Staff health

Tim Matthews, Stefan Davis, and Rick Burmeister